Voicemail Service for Small Businesses
Offer better service without ever missing a call again.
Help Your Growing Business Answer Every Call with Virtual Voicemail
In a world where customers expect an immediate response, businesses face the constant risks of missed calls and unanswered inquiries. After all, you only have so much time in your day. What’s more, hiring a full-time employee just to answer phones is expensive. That leaves you with a big problem — your growth potential is jeopardized every time the phone goes unanswered or someone reaches a busy signal.
You don’t have to lose business to bigger players in your industry just because you have a smaller team. A voicemail system from AccessDirect offers small businesses a cost-effective way to answer every single call.
If you and your team are focusing on other customers or out of the office, our voicemail service for business can:
- Present a professional image: Make the first impression count with personalized greetings recorded by people, not robots.
- Provide voicemail transcription: Read transcripts of your voicemails easily at any time, on any device.
- Prevent lost business: Never miss a call with a voicemail system that works around the clock. More answered calls means more business!
Real Clients, Real Success

What Is a Virtual Voicemail Service and How Does It Work?
Virtual voicemail takes the traditional voicemail system to the next level through technologies like VoiP and IVR. Unlike landline-based systems, virtual voicemail allows you to receive, store, and manage messages digitally. Imagine being able to check voicemails instantly via email or in the app when you’re on the go — that’s the flexibility virtual voicemail provides.
By transcribing any voicemail message into text, the system allows you to quickly screen voicemails visually. This way, you can sort through messages and separate solicitation calls from important customer or sales calls without listening to every single message. You no longer need to call your voicemail box to hear your messages, you can prioritize which calls you want to return first.
We provide a virtual voicemail service that grows with you. No pressure, no hassles — just a flexible and personalized approach to support your growth. Some of our most popular voicemail features are:
- Customizable business voicemail greetings: Add a human touch with friendly and personable greetings.
- Voicemail transcription: Get convenient text versions of your voicemails so you don’t have to take notes manually.
- Voicemail-to-email: Have voicemails automatically sent straight to your email so you’re always in the loop.
- One-click-callback: Call your customer back from a convenient link in your email notification or directly within the app.
AccessDirect Virtual Voicemail Features
With AccessDirect, you get more than just a voicemail greeting. We provide a full suite of features to help you handle call volumes and incoming messages with ease:
Find-Me Call Routing
Avoid the impersonality of voicemail by connecting your callers with a live person every time. Find-me/follow-me call routing ensures calls are forwarded to the next available person following a preset order.
Virtual Call Management
Eliminate the anxiety of missing important calls. Our virtual call management saves you stress by providing consistent & professional handling of incoming calls.
Professionally Recorded Greetings
Create a great first impression with custom-recorded greetings tailored to your brand voice. No robots or AI, just humans!
Voicemail Transcription
Get an accurate transcription of every voicemail delivered right to your email, that you can read or skim at your convenience.
Make it simple for callers to reach the right member of your team every time. Offer multiple extensions through one single phone number.
Give your customers a pleasant experience with relaxing music during holds and transfers.
Dial-by-Name Directory
Project a big-company presence with a dial-by-name directory that easily connects callers to their intended contact. Our automated front desk system answers calls and transfers callers quickly.
Your incoming faxes can be converted to text, just like your voicemails. Stay on top of what’s happening in your small business from wherever you are — conveniently.
No two businesses are alike. Pay only for what you need with a wide range of voicemail services for small businesses — customized to fit your specific needs.
Benefits of Our Voicemail Service for Business
Virtual voicemail from AccessDirect offers an invaluable service for busy and growing small businesses looking to enhance their service at a price that makes sense. Our dedicated white-glove voicemail service provides:
- Seamless communication - Check your voicemail in your preferred format: sound file, transcription, or email. You’ll have a continuous, 24/7 channel of communication with your customers and team.
- Quick voicemail screening - Voicemail transcription allows you to check who called and why with just a glance. From your cell phone you can see which messages need immediate action and which can wait until you’re back in the office.
- Cost efficiency - The robust functionality of our voicemail system delivers unmatched value. Efficient handling of phone calls through call forwarding, auto attendant, and other features offer massive cost savings compared to landline-based systems.
- Simple management - Through our third-party mobile app for iPhone and Android, you can access every feature from anywhere — at the office, job site, or on the road.
- Scalability as you grow - AccessDirect is perfect for solopreneurs and teams alike. From setting up a toll-free number to enabling enterprise-level features, we’ll help you grow at every stage.
AccessDirect offers unparalleled service to our business customers. Pay only for what you need. Our white-glove setup takes the stress out of the equation — leave the details to us and we’ll have you up and running ASAP.
Small Business Voicemail Solutions
At AccessDirect, we know every business is unique. That’s why we offer customizable plans for businesses of every shape and size. From solopreneurs to small businesses to large companies, AccessDirect has what you need. Virtual voicemail is included with all standard AccessDirect plans for no additional charge.
Direct Messaging
Single Voicemail or Fax Box
A single mailbox for either voicemail or fax. Receive your messages or your faxes via email so you can respond to your customers no matter where you are. Voicemail transcription or online faxing helps you manage your business and respond to messages faster.
$19.95 / per month
Direct Executive
Single Call Transfer & Voicemail System
The perfect single businessperson solution. One mailbox that can transfer your callers to any phone of yours, as well as voicemail to email and voicemail transcription. Take your calls at home or on the road, wherever and whenever you need to.
Starting at $27.95 / per month
Direct Receptionist
For Small Businesses with 2-25 Employees
Our best-selling small business plan. Present your callers with a list of extensions, letting them reach individuals or departments quickly and easily. Connect your workforce with one phone number – whether they’re in the office or the field.
Starting at $99.95 /per month
No Equipment To Install or Buy
Staying connected to your customers is non-negotiable in today’s digital world. Traditional communication systems usually require a hefty investment in hardware, setup, maintenance, and management. But that’s simply not affordable for most small business owners and solopreneurs.
With AccessDirect, go virtual and stay in touch with your customers easily without the hassle of costly hardware. Our small business voicemail system gives you all the features you need and more without the burden of pricey equipment or complicated contracts.
No need for expensive PBX equipment
Avoid the hassles of purchasing, installing, and maintaining complex PBX phone systems. Our cloud-based solution allows you to enjoy the benefits of a PBX system at a fraction of the cost each month. With the ease of a mobile app, you and your team can stay connected anywhere, anytime.
A subscription service that makes sense
We offer the flexibility you need as a small business owner — without contracts or complicated agreements that don’t serve you. With our monthly virtual voicemail subscriptions, you’re not tied down to a limited plan. Customize any of our packages to what makes sense for you — with no hidden fees or fine print.
Top-notch customer service
If there’s one thing we’d like our customers to know, it’s that we care.
We know you’re busy. Running a business is hard, and incredibly time-consuming, no matter its size. We want to give you some of that time back, which is why we take a white-glove, do-it-for-you approach to every single customer.
Our team will support you through onboarding and beyond, no matter your needs. Let us take care of the details — so you can focus on your business.
Upgrade Your Communication and Gain a Competitive Edge With AccessDirect
With AccessDirect, upgrading your communication doesn’t have to be complex or expensive. Our virtual voicemail for small businesses gives you the edge in today’s competitive market. With a wide range of features and customization, you won’t miss a single call. We’ll be there to support you every step of the way.
Get started by contacting us today or signing up for a free trial!