Challenge: With 187 employees in two different locations, they need to have back up plan for voice mail and business contingency plans.
This company was in need of Hosted PBX Disaster Recovery Phone Options from AccessDirect.
Solution: With their employees in two different locations and both sharing the same voice mail hardware, they needed a hosted service that they could fail over to in case of emergency. We proposed a gateway solution that would be simple in structure yet seamless to the outside caller/customer. The big advantage is that the backup system would deliver their messages to their personal email addresses so they don’t have to be trained to retrieve messages from an unfamiliar system. The voice mailboxes would have one central number so everyone would have the same instructions for using the recovery services. The voice mailboxes could be programmed through the web interface to transfer to cell phones or home office locations allowing critical employees to stay on the job without a hitch in work flow.
Results: Disaster recovery is a must for all businesses and having a hosted solution is the most cost effective method of solutions. Hosted PBX services can stay “on point” without unnecessary added equipment or offsite planning. AccessDirect can keep the disaster recovery platform at the ready so when the need arises it’s ready to go!