Visual Voicemail: Voicemail Transcriptions via Email, Text, or Mobile App
What Is Visual Voicemail?
Traditional voicemail is a hassle. Instead of listening to messages one by one, don’t you wish there was a better way?
Now, there is!
AccessDirect’s Visual Voicemail feature transcribes your voicemails into easy-to-read text and delivers them straight to your email, text message (SMS), or mobile app.
You still have the option to listen to your messages anytime, but reading them allows you to skim through voicemails faster, prioritize important calls, and respond on your terms — without ever dialing in.
Visual Voicemail Options
- Voicemail Transcription: No more guessing what someone said or replaying messages over and over. AccessDirect transcribes your voicemails automatically and sends them to you in an easy-to-read format. Access it all from the mobile app.
- Voicemail to Email: Listen to your voicemails, read the transcriptions, or both — all from your email inbox.
- Voicemail to Text (SMS): Need instant notifications? We’ll send a text message with a transcription of your voicemail, a link to the audio recording, and caller ID details. That way, you can stay updated and prioritize calls.
How Does Visual Voicemail Work?
1. Professional Greeting
2. MP3 Conversion Process
3. Voicemail Transcription
4. Instant Delivery
Benefits of Visual Voicemail Transcription
- Stay Organized - No more dialing in and sorting through old messages — all your voicemails are neatly logged and searchable in one place.
- Screen Calls and Prioritize Callbacks - Quickly scan transcriptions to determine if a voicemail is an important sales lead, a message from a client, or just spam.
- Team Collaboration - Automatically distribute voicemails to specific team members by setting up custom email and SMS notifications. Forward a voicemail to a colleague via email in just one click.
- Discreet Message Review - Whether you’re in a meeting, a noisy street, or a quiet coffee shop, you can’t always listen to a voicemail. Just read the transcription instead and respond when it’s convenient.
- No More Rewinding - Forget replaying messages multiple times. Caller details, contact info, and key points are already transcribed so you can skim through them.
- Never Lose Important Messages - Store voicemails permanently in your inbox or download them for future reference. With AccessDirect, your messages stay safe in the cloud until you delete them.
- Access From Any Device - Retrieve voicemails from your phone, tablet, or computer — wherever you have an internet connection.
Get Visual Voicemail Today
What Customers Say About AccessDirect’s Voicemail Mailbox Service

How To Set Up Voicemail Transcription With AccessDirect
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Other Features Included With Your Virtual Phone Service
Find-Me/Follow-Me Call Routing
Virtual Call Management
Professionally Recorded Greetings
Individual or Department Extensions
Music on Transfer
Dial-By-Name Directory
Multiple Numbers, One Phone
Custom Solutions
Intelligent Customer Service
What’s the difference between Visual Voicemail and regular voicemail?
How do I set up Visual Voicemail on my smartphone?
Does Visual Voicemail cost extra, or is it included in my phone plan?
How secure is Visual Voicemail for storing sensitive information?
Can I customize my voicemail greeting?
Can I forward Visual Voicemail messages to my email?
Can I receive Visual Voicemail messages via SMS?
Which phone service providers offer visual voicemail?
Does Visual Voicemail require a data or Wi-Fi connection?
Hang Up on Your Voicemail Box — Get Visual Voicemail from AccessDirect
Tired of dialing into your voicemail box? Luckily, there’s a better way. Save time and get more organized with Visual Voicemail. Sort through, read, and listen to voicemails how you want, when you want — all in a convenient mobile or desktop interface.
With AccessDirect, you can send voicemail transcriptions and recordings to your email, phone, or even colleagues on your team. But it doesn’t stop there. When you choose AccessDirect, you get a full suite of call management features backed by a team that knows your business.
Do voicemail the right way. Browse plans or give us a call to learn more.