Antique Dealer Uses Voicemail Email Service
Voicemail email service from AccessDirect. Solution: AccessDirect set the customer up with a Direct Receptionist Package. His main greeting…
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Voicemail email service from AccessDirect. Solution: AccessDirect set the customer up with a Direct Receptionist Package. His main greeting…
Toll free hosted number to launch their new business in the cloud Solution: AccessDirect can assign local or toll free hosted numbers that can be…
Keep phone number. A man called AccessDirect who had two toll free numbers for the past twenty-five years. He had ‘taken them with him’ or port the number.
Hosted PBX voice mail system with group messaging to get their messages out to the sales force efficiently. Solution: AccessDirect has a management…
Custom auto attendant for this client. Solution: Access Direct custom built the auto-attendant for this customer that fit the needs of him, his…